Referenční literatura Sunlight

Měření dospělých

Weiss "Reference Database for Bone Speed of Sound Measurement by a Novel Quantitative Multi-Site Ultrasound Device" (abstract). Osteoporosis Int., 2000, 11:688-696.

Barkman, "A New Method for Quantitative Ultrasound Measurements at Multiple Skeletal Sites - First Results of Presision and Fracture Discimination". J. Clinical Densitometry vol.3, No.1, 1-7, spring 2000.

Weiss M., Ben Shlomo A., Hadag P., Ish-Shalom S., "Discrimination of Proximal Hip Fracture Measurement at the Radius". Osteoporosis Int., 2000, 11:411-416.

United States Dept. of Health and Human Services. P990035. Washington: Food and Drug Administration, 2000.

Weiss "Effect of Estrogen Replacement Therapy on Speed of Sound at Multiple Skeletal Sites". Maturitas, 35 (2000) 237-243.

Bouxsein, M.L., "Prediction of Femoral Failure Load from Femoral BMD and Ultrasonic Velocity at the Femur, Radius and Phalanx". (abstract), presented at the ASBMR 21st Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MI, USA, September 1999.

Knapp, "Ultrasound Measurements at the radius Predict Wrist Fractures in Postmenopausal Women" (abstract), presented at the Annual Meeting of the Bone and Tooth Society in Bristol, UK, June 1999.

Njeh, C.F.,, "An in Vitro Investigation of the Dependence on Sample Thickness of the Speed of Sound Along the Specimen" (abstract). Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999) 651-659.

Knapp, "Multiple Site Ultrasound Measurements Predict Vertebral Fractures in Postmenopausal Women" (abstract), presented at the ASBMR 21st Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MI, USA, September 1999.

Hans, D. et. al., "Does Combining the Results from Multiple Bone Sites Measured by a New Quantitative Ultrasound Device Improve Discrimination of Hip Fracture?" (abstract) Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 1999, vol.14, No.4.

Knapp, "Preliminary Results of the Sunlight Omnisense Bone Sonometer: In-Vivo and In-Vitro Precision And Correlation with DXA" (abstract), presented at the ASBMR-IBMS 2nd Joint Meeting, California, USA, December 1998.

United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services. P990035. Washington: Food and Drug Administration, 2000

Měření dětí

Bailey D.A., J.H.Wedge, R.G.McCulloch, A.D.Martin, S.C.Bernhardson, "Epidemiology of Fractures of the Distal End of the Radius in Children as Associated with Growth", Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Am.), 1998, 71:1225-312.

NIH Consensus Development "Conference on Osteoporosis Prevention, Diagnosis and Therapy", March 27-29, 2000.2 "Calcium Requirements on Infants, Children and Adolescents" (RE9904), American Academy of Pediatrics, Pediatrics, Volume 104, No.5, November 1999, pp. 1152-11572.

Physical Activity and Health - "A Report of the U.S. Surgeon General", 1996.

Mark S., H.Link, "Reducing Osteoporosis: Preventing During Childhood and Adolescence", Bulletin of World Health Organization, 1999, 77:423-42.

Steelman J., P.Zeitler, "Osteoporosis in Pediatrics", Pediatrics in Review, 2001 22: 56-65.2.

Eliakim A., D.Nemet, B.Wolach, "Quantitative Ultrasound Measurements of Bone Strenght in Obese Children and Adolescents", Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2001 Feb> 14}(2): 159-642.

Měření předčasně narozených novorozenců

Littner, Y., D.Mandel, F.B.Mimouni, S.Dollberg, "Intrauterine Growth Curves of Bone Ultrasound Velocity", American College of Nutrition, October 2001.

Nemet D., T.Dolfin, B.Wolach, A.Eliakim, "Quantitative Ultrasound Measurements of Bone Speed of Sound in Premature Infants", European Journal of Pediatrics, August 2001.

Littner, Y., D.Mandel, F.B.Mimouni, S.Dollberg, "Bone Ultrasound Velocity Decreases Postnatally in Preterm Infants", American College of Nutrition, October 2001.

Yiallourides M., M.Savoia, J.May, A. Emmerson and Z.Mughal, "Tibial Speed of Sound in Term & Preterm Infants", Presented at ASBMR 23rd Annual Meeting, October 2001, Phoenix, Arizona.